Sunday 31 January 2010

Haiti Relief Walk

Just came back from the Haiti relief Walk. The event was organized by the youths from the local UNICEF office, who supplied all the participants with the cowboy hats and collecting buckets. We, fellas from predominantly North London Starbucks, went along as well to raise some cash for the victims of Haiti earthquake.

It was a truly beautiful day to walk - second day in a row, sun was gracing London sky and air was fresh and crisp.
The things got kicked off with an Aroma Lab in Camden Lock store, hosted by Agnes and Migle, the latter being quite a personage (you’ve made my day, honey!). We had a lot of attention and interest from the public, tried some of our whole bean line up. Kenya was the most popular offering, mind you, Kenya has always been a crowd pleaser.
Around noon we started walking and slowly, but surely, marched through Camden Town, Bloomsbery, Holborn, Aldwych and, finally, Waterloo. Apart from us, there were a self-proclaimed “insane” girl, who not just showed some true humanitarian spirit, squeezing pennies from every person crossing her path, she also brought quite few friends along too.
Not just people took part, there were couple of dogs, one of them being a creature of unearthly beauty and the other one, a 3 month old puppy, noisy, hyperactive and generally annoying, but very cute nevertheless. I did ask the animals, how they found out about the walk and some common courtesy stuff, but they just licked my hands and melancholically barked at the pigeons.
It was fun thing to do, I hope we did manage to gather a substantial sum. I was filming the procession and, hopefully, will edit and post the clip here soon.
Watch this space!
PS. In my shop, we also decided to donate three days worth of tips to the Haiti Relief Fund. It is not much, but as they say, every little bit helps.

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