Wednesday 4 November 2009

"Triple grande Latte? That guy is seriously hot!"

Vogue Paris and coffee - match made in heaven (how cheesy is that!?!?!)

The title of this post is a fragment of our half-drunken chatter in the pub after Christmas meeting  (no, we didn't start celebrate Xmas early, it was a meeting about Christmas campaign). After of couple of hours of quite formal introductions(how are your family? Is it really that cold in Russia? I can't believe you can't drink water during Fast! etc. ), we eventually got to our favourite pastime - gossiping, and since we couldn't b*tch about each other (everyone was present), of course, our victims were our customers! 

Oh, what a joy to discuss their gimmicks with fellow barista! Fresh, delicious and raw pieces of gossip were served in the room, interrupted by explosions of maniac laughter and sighs of disbelieve. And here is the secret, our dearest patrons! - since we don't know your names, we are marking you just like cups for mutual convenience. It might look like an incredibly challenging task - to memorise your beverages, in order to recognize you and provide that legendary service, but it is the same mechanism we all use to remember the names!

Your name might be David or Olympia or Kelly, however, for us you are forever Venti Skinny Cappuccino or Double Tall Mocha no cream. People are creatures of habits and it is very unlikely that they change the drink they find comfort in to something unknown.

Next time you are in the shop just tune in and listen what is being said behind the bar... With a bit of luck, you might catch something ...juicy :-)

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