Saturday 29 May 2010

Gossip Girl

(Getty Images)

When I was teenager, I was obsessed with Kate Moss. I did all that your average teen would do - collected the pages with her editorials and commercials, read the articles and longed to see her in flesh. She lived in far away land and was more elusive than snow leopard. She never appeared in talk shows, gave no interviews, supported no causes to save Africa or stop the war. She was enigmatic, distant and aloof, like a real star, giving light but no warmth. 
And when I arrived to London, I was grown up enough to understand that our meeting is totally unnecessary - she is just a human being, woman who likes to party hard and doesn't give a flying monkey about what people have to say.  All her life in public eye taught her that. However, I did see her in flesh. She is pretty. 
The other day, our shop was graced by the brief appearance of two other celebs, whom I didn't seek to meet: Jude Law and Sienna Miller. It has long been a commonplace that two sweethearts are back together (I somehow managed to miss this life-changing news, no matter how hard tabloids tried to drive it home). They came in a quite moment on Monday, looking very casual and relaxed, did a bit of a kissing and cuddling, ordered their drinks and gone, leaving the shimmer of their aura trail in the air. 
Of course, we pretended we didn't recognise them (although, Adam who was on the till, did it genuinely). Of course, we studied them attentively from the corner of the eye - is she really that skinny? Is his tan natural? What is she wearing? etc. They also played their part, shooting quick glances around, Jude lifting his T-shirt high to show off his six pack on Sienna's remark that this Almond Croissant could make him fat and disgusting. They didn't look in the eye even when asking questions or ordering, looking at my shoulder instead.   

What I liked though, was that they ordered straight Venti Cappuccino for him and Grande Latte for her. No frills. No extra hot, half shot, quarter decaf, soya, no foam latte with two pumps of hazelnut and one pump of vanilla... 
That was the best bit. ;-)

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