Thursday 22 April 2010

Espresso Excellence Class

Not so long ago our Regional Coffee Masters suggested to run an Espresso Excellence class as part of a regional strategy to improve the quality of the beverage. It combines some of the fundamentals of bar with tactics for winning customer service. Aiste and Charlotte did the class with us, District Coffee Masters first and then we were suppose to roll out the class with our SCMs and after that, we would do it on the regular basis with all new recruits or people who just kinda lost their bearings and needed re-focus.

Because we had to do some exercises in real cafe setting and because in my district all the shops are open 7 days a week, Zita of Victoria District suggested we went to Palmers Street store, which is closed on weekends.
It was Saturday morning and being primarily an office area, the streets around Victoria Station were dead. The trails of ducks crossed  the sky. Air was cool and crisp. Daffodils nodded their sleepy heads in unison with early breeze.
 We had a fun class and having spoken with few SCMs after that, I think, everyone enjoyed rather unusual format of the meeting. Now, I need to be pretty inventive with the agenda for the next meeting.  

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