Saturday 31 October 2009

Algerian Coffee Stores - coffee heaven

I have always known about this shop in Soho's Old Compton Street since passing it few years ago. I even popped in there out of curiosity couple of times, however, my passion for coffee wasn't as consuming at that time and I always left the store empty-handed. 
Not this time though. This time I was mesmerized by the whole plenty of coffees on offer, and not just coffees, but also all the machinery and brewing equipment required and more and more gadgets and devices that would drive a true coffee lover into fragrant paradise. All the silver espresso machines, french presses and shelves and shelves of glass cilinders with shiny dark beans. 

Guys behind the counter were extremely nice and very helpful, although a bit overwhelmed on the encounter of a coffee expert (that is your humble servant, he he). They struggled a bit  to come up with a match for my brief and called the manager to help. Here is our insane exchange:

- Hi, I am looking for something new to challenge my taste buds and my imagination... Not too dark roast, since I don't appreciate smokiness in my coffee and something rather Asia/Pacific or African, then Latin American, because I am not very keen on high acidity... Mayby some blend?...

- Urm... How about Arabic with spices? It is very unusual cup, with strong spicy flavour, very original character.

- Yeah, but I tend to enjoy more just pure brew...

- Maybe, then blend of African coffees?

- Naaa, I really like zestiness and grapefruit notes of Africans, but in summer. In autumn I incline towards fuller, thicker body and syropy-er pour... 

- Then Boston Blend...

- Too dark!

- Brazilian...

- Too harsh!

- Right! This is what you like - "..."! If you liked Sulawesi, you like  that. 
(Zhanna's note: Damn it! I forgot the name! Have to come back to find out! )

  So, here it is.

Tasting notes:

 The initial aroma is reminiscent of Sumatra - some herby, hot mud notes, then it takes you to the next dimension with smell of peach meringue and dried cranberry and then eventually I got a bit of ashiness, which is good for me in moderation. (The bean looked very dark and shiny, roasted to perfection).

With the first sip I wanted to run to that shop and kiss the guy who sold me this coffee thrice on both cheeks!
It is genius! After inhaling aroma, you kind of prepare yourself for a rather rich, decadent and somewhat overpowering cup, but what you  get is very balanced, very clear taste, unexpectedly light in body, with just a hint of punch, that have been skilllfully removed, like a remote echo of cannons, charging in the far. 

This coffee delivered on every level for me - it has a character, but so delicate and fragile that makes you want to cherish it and drink it on its own and very often. 

I will definitely come back to Algerian Coffee Stores, maybe even for a bag of Blue Mountain (if I'll be fortunate enough to win lottery. Have a look at the price!)

Friday 30 October 2009

Annual Leadership Conference

Since I am a District Coffee Master, this year I was participating in Annual Leadership Conference which was held in Barbican. Everything for me was new (I have never been to Barbican before). I have met a lot of wonderful people from other districts, regions and even remote parts of the country. Our, that is DCMs, role was to support different stations throughout the conference, e.g. I was sampling Christmas beverages. There are pictures where I am on the bar with Iris and Mark, preparing the drinks for sampling and there is Zaza on the background, who is very very funny, he was a Commandor, all he did was he repeated all the orders in a very loud voice and cried "Excellent!", "You are doing fabulous job! ", "Faster, faster!" and "Show some spirit!". I was cracking laughing!

On the second day we had a Coffee Authority module, where we learnt a lot of things about how farmers are coping(I really liked the speech from our very special guest Peter, head of Costa Rican Farmers Support Centre), watched beans being roasted on a portable roaster  and then with help and direction from Coffee Quality team we did cupping just like professionals do. It was so exciting and so new fro me, that I caught a coffee bug and the idea of this blog was conceived. There is so much to learn about coffee, it's crazy!

I am hosting a Store Coffee Masters meeting in couple of weeks time and I can't wait to share this excitement with the guys! 


That was a display that we did after US campaign for using tumblers instead of plastic cups. It would save 365 cups a year. Very simple and very strong idea.

This is how much sampling we did, after that thrice a day in the shop  - a joke, really!

These are lovely guys I have met - Szilvia, Marcel and Santosh.